Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

Day 12 GWP Contest

FAVORITE BAND/SONG??? this is the question for day 12 … and man, oh man… it is hard to pick…


we are using the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway so that you can find all the GWP authors and their answers… if you repost, please use the hashtags… and who would want to win a Santa Box filled with free books… just go HERE to sign up for the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter… everyone that signs up will be automatically entered to win the Santa Box … the winner will be announced on Dec 18th… see… easy…

now for my Day 12 answer….. I would have to pick something by Evanescence, Adele, or Cam… I am a Country or Pop girl…

But if I had to pick one song/band… if would have to be Burning House by Cam… check back next month and I’m sure that will change… lol… but it is the voice that I love… all these ladies have a gravelly voice that can reach beautiful high notes… 😛

Day 11 GWP Contest

The question for day 11 is another hard one for me… what is my favorite movie??? dang… I love movies, and depending on my mood, my favorite changes… This is like pulling teeth… lol… I re-watch my favorite movies as often as I reread my favorite books…

Rat Race would have to be my all time favorite comedy.. and close second is Uptown Girls


Best historical??? Pride and Prejudice, of course…


best actions movie….. Man on Fire


when I am in the mood for a psychological thriller??? Hide and Seek!! *anyone noticing the Dakota Fanning theme… that kid rocks the acting*


So Dakota Fanning is obviously my favorite actress… and since I can’t pick just one movie… I will pick my favorite actress and my favorite genre… Annndddd the GENRE goes to??? Paranormal/fantasy!!!

We have Taken, Push, the Twilight Series, each of the Underworld movies, both Hellboy movies (and when the heck will they make more underworld and hellboy… huh, huh… I need to know) and of course the Harry Potter series, but especially the last five… based on books four through seven… and yes, Dakota made the Paranormal cut… lol… that girl is everywhere…

about the only genre I don’t go for in movies is romance, and straight up horror… 😛 Happy Wordage… now run on and sign up for the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter and you will be entered to win the Santa Box… a box filled with books from the GWP writers… you will get a copy of Shocking Finds (my lovely book baby) and other greats from my fellow authors… just go HERE and sign up!!


The winner will be announced on Dec 18th… check for the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway to find answers for all fifteen daily questions, from me and the others over at GWP… if you decide to repost, please use the hashtags…

Day 10 GWP Contest


hmmm… Swag?? otherwise known as those goodies given out by authors at book signings… I have been thinking a lot about this, as I want to be prepared for the 2016 Rebels and Readers event… go and check out some of the fun we had in 2015… even volunteering left time to enjoy

I am thinking of doing these little booklets. They hold the first two chapters, plus a few teasers… and the book mark are fun, but timely… for a sweet treat, I am thinking of getting a bag of Mini Clark Bars, and using them as swag… lots of fun to be had… I also hope to have at least the second book in the Finder’s Keepers series ready to roll, as well as bracelets and necklaces inspired by Marin and the Finder’s world ready to sell along with books one and two… woo who…

But for bracelet swag, I was thinking of working on MS inspired bracelets… MS is as huge a part of my time as writing… in fact, if I had never been diagnosed I would have graduated with a Mathematics degree, playing around with poetry, and never knowing I had the ability to create 100k novels…

Not sure if I will have time to work on a similar necklace, but I want to start using polymer clay to make my own pendants… the plan was to work on making Transition Crystals so that any Norm *(that’s us readers and writers, lol) can have there very own Crystal… if I figure it out in time I could work on an MS themed pendant as well… Really, pinterest has some of the best art ideas… ahhh… I love pinterest and hobby lobby…

now… don’t forget to sign up for the GWP newsletter HERE so you can be entered to win Shocking Finds and all the other lovely books by my fellow authors, in the Santa Box… the winner will be announced on Dec 18th… if you repost this, please use the hashtag#15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway

Rebels and Readers 2016


woo who… tickets are going on sale later today… just go HERE to get your tickets to the 2016 book signing event… there will be tickets to the signing (both VIP and general admission) and tickets for the Friday night MIXER… drink and socialize with the authors, models, and friends from previous years… Follow the link for more information…

*you can even check out the list of attending authors if you follow the link….

woo who… plan to come and play, enjoy the fun and games, and the books at every turn…



Day 9 Contest GWP

On the Ninth day of GWP contest, Mary asked of me…. (think Christmas music while reading this… lol… cause A Partridge and a Pear Tree was running through my head just now)  This contest is easy peasy… just go HERE and sign up for the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter, and you are entered to win a Santa Box filled with books by those of us at GWP… see … easy!! Now for my Answer to day nine question… muhahahahaha


ooo … my current project???

Greatness… I am working on greatness… 😛 otherwise known as Book Two in the Finder’s Keepers Series… Makayla from the first book has a bigger role this time, and she has been screaming in my head to be presented in just the right light… TEEHEE … Not sure if she will be happy, but then, she’s a little stuck up at times… hopefully she will revel hidden depths as the editing continues and her voice grows… 😛

If you repost, please use the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway and use them to look up answers from the other authors :P… the winner of the Santa Box will be announced Dec 18th…

Monthly Goods

I have been thinking… blogging is very important to a writer but what do I really have to say to people besides my writing??? So what did I come up with??? Monthly goods, or more accurately, weekly goods… Like the first week of every month I could update the world on book progress…

The second week of every month??? How about Multiple Sclerosis facts from my point of view… I mean, we all have issues and problems that we have to deal with on a daily basis… it is only through exposure that the scary and unknown can be faced… as human beings we have a very long history of lashing out at what we don’t understand… I actually had a woman screaming in my face when i parked in a handicapped parking space… not cool… but when you first look at me, i  look healthy and in the prime of life… HA… after I was near tears and screaming back that she could call my doctor up for my latest MRI (possible foul language involved) she became meek and started explaining all the reasons why her behavior was acceptable…. still not cool… I know that explaining my day to day MS blues might not help with parking lot attacks, but if those I know and those I interact with know what MS is and how it can affect my reactions and health, then hopefully misunderstandings can be avoided… but lets be a little more fun with the topic… lots of facts, and some oops, the MS made me do it stories… (like the time I threw my diet coke in my own face because of an arm twitch…)

Week three??? Lets do art time… I love all things art… and when I need to recharge (aka: give my brain a rest) I put down the evil edits and do something artsey… paint an oil painting, design a bracelet, and I plan to start making my own pendants…. the clay has been bought, and soon the pendants will be created… muhahahaha… not to mention the design book mom picked out for one of my Christmas presents (shhh, don’t tell)

And finally we rap up the month with Random Chat… like ranting and raving about my favorite shows and movies, the local restaurants, and vacation fun… and everything has to be full of pinterest pictures as well as my own pictures…

But that only takes up four days out of every month… that is a lot of days left un-blogged… boooo…. these are the early days of my writing career… which means I have time to put in a few more blogs than the more famous authors… So lets put in a few book reviews when I have read something new (which is my other pass-time) and random daily insanity posts… woo who… for now, happy wordage every one, Tracey Clark

Day 8 GWP Contest


Imagine a Santa Box filled with Paranormal/Fantasy Romance, Contemporary Romance, and many other surprises… You want it, you know you do… muhahahaha…. well go HERE and sign up to receive the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter… that’s it… an you will be automatically entered to win… winners will be announced on Dec 18th… see, easy… 😛


And now for my day eight answer… Music List??? hmmm… for me it is more of a TV series list… I have reruns running at a low volume in the background… when I try to listen to music while writing, I end up humming along, or outright singing… and it is hard to write and sing at the same time…  lol… Classical music is the closest I come to background music, but even that distracts me… so it is NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Blind Spot… I would listen to Doctor Who, but that has the power to pull my attention away from my words… I hear my favorite parts coming and immediately switch to watching my beloved Doctor…

And remember to use the hashtags  #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway if you decide to repost… 😛 happy wordage, tracey

Day 7 contest


Alrighty then… we are on day 7 of our Santa Box contest… just go HERE and enter to receive the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter and you are automatically in the running to win our Santa Box… a box filled with books from all of us at GWP… winner will be announced on Dec 18th… woo who… wordge…

now for my answer… muhahahahaha… my Office/Writing Spot… I have two of them… one that has been retired… my office recliner… and no, I will not be showing pictures of that messy place… the one spot I have left is my mechanical bed… set me up, and I and my Multiple Sclerosis are ready to roll…

usually I have my trusty meow buddy standing by… 😛

if you decide to repost… please use the following hashtags…  #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway

day 6 Contest

Enter to get the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter HERE and you have a chance to win the Santa Box containing books by all of us here at GWP… winner will be announced on Dec 18…


now for my pick of Favorite Book to Movie???? That would have to be Pride and Prejudice … the most recent version… I love Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet…. I have watched that movie a hundred times… and read the book a few dozen… 😛


If you decide to repost this post, please use the hashtags  #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway to help spread the word … good luck and happy wordage… tracey

Games and Prizes

12108995_555424677947517_4151683208772372376_nCome over to the Facebook party ‘Christmas Romance 2015’ for games, prizes, and an excerpt of Finder’s Keepers Book Two… I will be dropping in at 8pm EST…

go HERE and enjoy!!!

Day 5 Santa Book Box Contest

Okay… What is my addiction… I mean must have Writing Snack??? That would have to be Diet Coke… and it has to come from a fountain… no can or bottled coke for this country gal!!! And I would have to say that Burger King has the best Fountain Diet Coke 😛 I have to have a large diet coke when I write, when I eat, when I wake up, when I …. heck … I need that stuff just to live… lol… I call the guy at my closest gas station my Coke Dealer… they have some better good product when I don’t feel like driving to Burger King or Wendy’s…


I need one of these in my bedroom!!!!

Now… head HERE and enter to get the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter, and you will automatically be entered to win the Santa Box filled with Books by all of us at GWP…

and if you decide to repost this entry, use the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway to help us spread the word… Happy Wordage, Tracey

Day 4 GWP Contest

this one was a little hard to read, but Mary clued me in… Day four is all about my Writing Accessories… I wonder… do two pugs and a cat count???

Probably not… 😛 But my furry friends are always there as I hand write note, ideas, and story boards…

I like to sketch out rooms and outdoor areas so that I have a visual aid, and during the editing phase I always have my Emotions Thesaurus handy…

and that is my answer for day four of GWP 15 days of authors… 😛 now head HERE and sign up for the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter, and you will be entered to win the Santa Box… filled with books from GWP authors…


If you decide to repost this, please use the hashtags  #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway to help spread the word… happy wordage, tracey

Contest Day 2

Sooo what’s in store for Dec 3, day two of our contest… hmmm, let’s check


Okay… this is an easy one… one that I have droned on and on about… My first novel with GWP is Shocking Finds (A Finder’s Keepers Novel)…


I just love this cover… :p Amber Linn did an awesome job…

Now, go sign up for the GWP Newsletter HERE and be entered to win the Santa Box filled with a novel from each of us over at GWP… winner will be announced Dec 18th… Happy Wordage

PS… if you repost, please use the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway

Day one Contest


This, the day Dec 2, I reveal to you one fact about myself that no one knows… hmmm… that’s a hard one… I am pretty open about all things ME!!! The good and the bad… I believe in airing it all, if asked… so maybe I should amend this… for me Day one will be ‘one fact no one knows because they forgot to ask’ lol… nope… it will have to be ‘one fact no one knows but my mother’ cause momma knows all :p

  • I made out with my best guy friend, behind his girls back… his girlfriend just happen to be my best female friend…(I know, screwed up) but I had been crushing on this guy for years, and she had a tendency to BE WITH anyone I glanced at (and then cheat on them)… so I totally felt justified(teenage thinking)… thank heavens I didn’t let thing go all the way, cause he said he believed in transparency. which basically meant that he liked to stir things up and see what reactions he could get… very glad to be out of HS…

Now, that you know my dirty secret, go sign up for the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter… HERE …. and you will be entered to win a Santa Box full of free books by all of us at GWP… winner will be announced Dec 18th … woo who… Happy Wordage

PS… if you repost this, please use the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway

15 Days with GWP Authors

‘this is a giveaway and one (only one) lucky winner will win a set of GWP Author’s (unsigned) books that have been published in 2015. This includes, Jeri, Jane, Colbie, VL Locey, Nicola, Annalise, Tracey, and my books’ -Mary Smith


From Dec 2 – Dec 16 you can catch our answers to these daily questions… we will be posting to various social media sites with the hashtags  #15DaysofGWPAuthors … & … #GWPGiveaway

Woo who… Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Yule time & Yalda, New Year beginnings, Kwanzaa, Hogmanay… and all the many others… Let’s celebrate the end of another year together. When you catch these posts, take a moment to stop and sign up for the GWP newsletter. Once you have signed up, you will be entered to win a Christmas Box full of free books.

Between Dec 2 and Dec 16 click the Newsletter Link and enter to win…

You will win a copy of my first novel Shocking Finds (A Finder’s Keepers Novel)


And here are the links to my fellow Authors so that you can check out what you have in store by signing up for the newsletter!!!

First we have our Publisher and the creator of all this Santa box yumminess

‘Bestselling author of A HOCKEY TUTOR and co-author of OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN and THE PENALTY KILL TRILOGY with Lindsay Paige’  – Author Mary Smith

I’m not sure which books Mary will decide to add to her Christmas Box surprise, but they will all have been published in 2015… so hot and new… woo who… Next up, I will start listing my fellow authors, but in no real order… think I will just go by the order Mary wrote to us in the opening lines of this post… and here goes… Remember, these are not in any order, and the books pictured are not guaranteed to be picked to be placed in the Christmas Box…. I just liked the covers 😛

‘I’m a full time day dreamer and part-time writer. Although that should probably be the other way around. I like to write about LIFE and everything in between, including love and HEA’ – Jeri Williams


‘I live in a small town called Burton on Trent, Staffordshire in the middle of England. This lovely little town is famous for making beer, and I have called it home since I was born. My name is Jane and I write under the name of J A Heron.’ – J A Heron

‘Colbie Carter’s debut novella, Sold Into Salvation, released in November 2015. Having a passion for writing since her early teens, Colbie has been jotting down short stories and poems to free her active imagination’ – Colbie Carter


‘I’m an author of M/M and M/F erotic hockey romances. Skate hard and love deeply!’V.L. Locey

‘I am based in the UK, working full – time and writing is my escape from reality. I hope you all enjoy reading my books as much as I did writing them’Nicola C. Priest


‘Author of Contemporary and Military Romance.‘ – Annalise Blaze


And now I am off to my writer’s cave… starting tomorrow, don’t forget to sign up for the GWP newletter to win a free book from each of these amazing authors… Happy Wordage, Tracey

GWP Newletter

A Thank You to Anna Durand

Go to Anna Durand‘s site to see her interview about Shocking finds… and check out her Paranormal collection…

I am closing in on the NaNoWriMo goal line… woo who… i hope to have all the edits and beta reads finish by January, and then polish Book Two of the Finder’s Keepers series for you guys…

it may seem like this is happening way to fast…


*pinterest pic

but the truth is that i finished about six rough drafts before i managed to get Shocking Finds published… now i am focused on freshening up each story and getting the hand written material on the computer to be fluffed up into a proper rough draft… lol…

don’t forget to comment on my Fall into Romance Blog Hop Post in order to enter for a chance to win a copy of Shocking Finds… Nov 22 is the last day to comment…. good luck everyone and happy wordage… now it is back to the Writer’s Cave for me… Tracey

whoops … i lied

okay… so, it was a little lie… I warned that I would be internet absent until NaNoWriMo ended, but I just had to let everyone know about the latest blog hop winner…

Claire Rheinheimer  won a free copy of Shocking Finds by participating in Lu Ann Worley‘s blog hop….

Rockin’ Book Reviews

Lu Ann was good enough to include my novel in some of her hops… and she is the queen of hops… so stop by and see if you can win her next contest… congrats Claire

Now I am off to finish working on the second Finder’s Keepers novel

V.L. Locey drops by on her blog tour

One of my Gone Writing Publishing peeps was kind enough to drop by and chat with us… she also wants to introduce us to the steamy life of female pro hockey… oooo… I can’t wait … 😛 enjoy

Fighting the bumps in the writing road…

I’d like to thank Finders Keepers for hosting me today! I love visiting blogs and chatting with folks about my books and the writing process. Most generally, the writing road is a relatively smooth one for me. I don’t usually struggle with writer’s block too often. If anything, my problem is having so many ideas vying to be written at once. It’s like trying to separate the wheat from the chafe at times.

“Yes muse, this idea about a women’s pro hockey team is boffo! The one about the ninja chimpanzees who fight zombies while riding Harley’s may not be exactly what we’re hoping to write, but good effort!”

You always have to speak to your muse politely or they get tiffy and no author wants a tiffy muse.

Occasionally I’ll get slapped with a round of doubt and start comparing myself to other author’s. When I begin to do this, I try to stop myself as quickly as I can. I cannot be J.K. Rowling no matter how much I wish I were. I can only be V.L. Locey, the erotic hockey romance author. If I am writing the best hockey romances that I can, then I need to stop making comparisons. Generally the round of doubt will only last a short while, I’m a pretty upbeat person overall. Hearing from a reader that enjoyed your book is the best way to help pave over the potholes in the writing road!

What do you do to fight off a case of the self-doubts? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments!

Skate hard and love deeply,

V.L. Locey



TITLE – Clean Sweep
SERIES – Venom Series
AUTHOR – V.L. Locey
GENRE – Erotic Hockey Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – Sept.26, 2015
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 155 pages/57,500
PUBLISHER – Gone Writing Publishing
COVER ARTIST – Reverie Design



Clean Sweep - New CoverFiery, flame-haired Jane Bratkowski is catapulted from a small college town to Philadelphia to become head coach of a new women’s hockey team, The Venom. It’s a life-changing opportunity, a dream come true until – in a cruel twist of fate that could turn into a nightmare – she comes face to face with her ex-husband Tore Ahlberg, the Wildcats’ head of European Scouting.

Suddenly, Jane’s faced with more challenges than she bargained for: Will she let him distract her — and derail her big chance to coach pro hockey? Can she build a team of relatively inexperienced, irrepressible young women into champions? Can she and Tore triumph over the gut-wrenching tragedy that ripped them apart — or will the shocking truth of their passionate past threaten to destroy them once again?





It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him how, or why, he remembered so much from our years of wedded bliss. Instead, I marched into the bathroom, Pomeranians in hand, then shut the door on him, his tie, and those damned recollections of a time best left in the past.

I washed my face then set to work on detangling. I accomplished this with snarling expletives aimed at long dead ancestors. The boys were restless. I laid down my hairbrush then snuck over to the door. I couldn`t hear my ex on the other side. I cracked the door just enough to peer through. Tore was standing at the sliding glass door. He still cut a fine figure from the back even though he was now in his early fifties. Wide shoulders, lean waist, long legs. The sun made his straw-colored blonde hair look like spun gold. It was time to stop, Jane. I had thought to ask him to walk the dogs but after that Rumpelstiltskin moment, perhaps a brisk walk would do me good. I closed the door quietly. Ten minutes later I stepped out, face freshly scrubbed, hair beaten into submission, and dogs in dire need.

“I have to get dressed,” I told Tore when he turned from the city to look at me.

“You want me to leave?” I nodded. “We were married, Jane. Unless you have done some alterations, there is nothing I have not seen before.”

I felt a slight flush rushing up behind the freckles on my cheeks. “There have been no alterations. Go wait on the patio. I mean it, Tore. Don`t give me that stupid look. Go.”

“Stupid look? I have a stupid look?” he asked, a definite twinkle in his eye. A sharp comment was resting on my tongue. I swallowed it back to be nice. It was only seven am. Even ex-husbands deserve a small kindness from time to time.



Author Photo - VL LoceyV.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, two dogs, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and three Jersey steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.



My blog



$20.00 Amazon Gift Card




This Event has been Organized & Hosted by:

warning… this is not a test


This NaNo writer has fallen behind… As reparation to this offence, the voices have demanded that I ignore all social media and set my fingers to work… no more book parties, no matter how much fun I had at the one I threw on Saturday, and blogging is to postponed until I hit that 50k word goal, or December 1st brings NaNoWriMo to a close… I have a second novel that needs to be sent through a round of edits, it also has a few holes that need to be filled… now that Shocking Finds is out, the voices demand that I get their story finished and ready for the public… it is way past time that I complete said edits, and the voices will not rest until they get their way…

Thankfully, they have allowed me to post two more blogs… the first blog is my way of helping out my fellow author on her blog tour, and the second will feature a piece that Anna Durand was kind enough to put together featuring Shocking Finds…

happy wordage, tracey

Fall Into Romance bloghop

Ahhhh…. Fall is the best time of year, especially in Ky

fall KY/home
fall KY/home

My favorite Fall Activity has to be taking pictures of all the changing colors, the leaves falling to the ground in reds, yellows, and browns… and so many other colors. It is also the only time of year that I feel comfortable walking through the trees. The cool crisp air gets along with my MS, and I get to enjoy the outdoors. I love the way the world smells and feels.

I also love to paint and write in the fall, not that I don’t normally love these activities, but fall seems to recharge my battery. It seems right that my first book was released this fall. Shocking Finds is a paranormal/fantasy romance at its best… Fae assassins, betrayal, and undeniable lust…

20151007 Shocking Finds cover

Now for the giveaway portion of our blog hop… to be eligible, comment about your favorite fall activity and on the 22nd I will pick a random comment to win an ebook copy of Shocking Finds…

Now head back over to Sexy Scribblers to check out the other giveaways/posts… the Sexy Scribblers will also be giving away a grand prize … woo who … just click on the Raffle Copter Here

Sexy Scribblers Giveaway


check all the wonderful writers out HERE