Tag Archives: amediting

OMG… four stops #RRBC

Block Party 2016 banner

look, look, look… four stops…. are they insane… are they trying to overload us with excitement… and who is that second person down… oh look… that’s me…

and first up we finally get to see Brenda Taylor’s site… so glad she is still on the block party… and look at all those other awesome stops…

Brenda Taylor


  • (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card,
  • (1) ebook copy of a “HIGHLAND PEARL,” and an ebook copy of a “HIGHLAND RUBY”;

 Finder’s Keepers Series/Tracey Clark


(1) Either a bracelet or earrings OR keychain with bookmark;

 Wendy Scott


  • (2) e-book copies of “HIEROGLYPH,”
  • (5) e-book copies of “FAIRY DUST,”
  • & (1) ebook copy of “LODESTONE”;

Jim Cronin


(3) $20 Amazon Gift Cards

Just click the links…. enjoy the post… and leave a comment… that’s it… fun and games, and a chance to win goodies… how awesome is that… alright I am off now… hope to see y’all over on my book site… happy wordage

who’s excited… ??? #RRBC

Block Party 2016 banner

the month is almost over, the party is winding down, but that will never stop us, we writers, bloggers; the great wordage crowd…

and tomorrow….. we get to sit in Jazz as he interviews Marin… he is a little freaked out, having never met a princess before, especially not one with an out of control electrical gift… lol… since the party bus stopped here (my author site) earlier in the month, Marin’s interview will be over on my book site finderskeepersseries.com … hope to see y’all there…

and for today’s fun and games, we have three stops to keep the party going… wooo who… remember to leave a comment at each stop…

Maretha Botha


(3) Set of 3 black and white paperbacks of “FAUNA PARK TALES”;

??? Brenda Taylor ???


  • (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card,
  • (1) ebook copy of a “HIGHLAND PEARL,” and an ebook copy of a “HIGHLAND RUBY”;

 Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko


  • (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card,
  • (1) $10 ITunes Gift Card, (
  • 1) $10 Starbuck’s Gift Card,
  • (2) Ebook copies of “LEGEND OF THE WALKING DEAD”;

It looks like Brenda Taylor’s link is missing… guess that means there are only two stops today, but wow… they both look great… go check them out… and I will see y’all tomorrow… happy wordage, tracey

Another big day #RRBC

Block Party 2016 banner

it is almost time for us to sit down with my character Marin, and check out what she thinks about her new life as Princess de Platadreki… what she thinks of all the people coming into her life… alright… fine… we really want to know the dirt behind her recent Find to help out Makayla… cause, two peas in a pod those women are not… 😛

for now, enjoy today’s links and posts… remember, just comment on them and you will be entered to win prizes… wooo who…

Mind, Pen and Spirit/Karen Ingalls


(1)  Prize package which will include:  signed copy of DAVIDA:  MODEL & MISTRESS + a package full of goodies;

 Ronesa Aveela/Rebecca Carter


  • (2) Audio books of “THE CHRISTMAS THIEF,”
  • (1) Ebook of “LIGHT, LOVE RITUALS
  • & (1) Ebook of “MYSTICAL EMONA”;

 Jazz:  America’s Gift/Richie Gerber


(3) Ebooks of “JAZZ:  AMERICA’S GIFT”;

Raccoons & more #RRBC party news

Alright… can you guess where this is going… huh… can ya… how about a hint…


okay… it wasn’t that bad…

my cat has recently decided that she no longer wants to be an indoor tabby…. nope… “bring me my food on the deck, Human,” is all I get from her these days… and since the animals at my house are the ones in charge (wait… what??? that cant’ be right)… sad but true, the pugs and cat have trained me well…

anywho… mom kept forcing the cat to come in to eat… which I thought was cruel (see how easy I am to train)… so I kept putting the food back outside… Fights ensued …. mom demanded that I stop… we would have mice and strays, she said… but why was that a problem??? so  what… mom cats would be feed, and the ones that didn’t get in on the cat food could eat the mice… problem solved…

butttttttt…. with buckets of rain and flood warnings, I took a page out of mom’s play book and forced the cat inside… she was not happy… when I finally let her back out, we were met with wildlife…

I didn’t even know we had raccoons close by… but I would be wrong… and even more troubling… I could hear something under the deck… and my big guard-kitty??? what was her response??? heck, I have seen her more upset with my pugs… conclusion?? I think the traitorous-feline has been living with a family of raccoons under my deck and feeding them… Sigh …

lol… now for some daily Block Party fun…

Blog Party 1

remember… all you have to do is visit these sites and comment… that way you are automatically entered to win prizes… woo who



  • (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card
  • & (1) RWISA swag surprise gift pack!;

 Journeys/Susan Joyce


(4) E-book copies of one of her books (each winner gets to choose)


Still time to Party #RRBC Style

Blog Party 1

We have three stops today… the month is almost over, so don’t wait to get in on this awesome opportunity to visit new blogs (or revisit some old faves) and win prizes… just comment and you are entered to win… woo who… I have already won twice, peeps… but that won’t stop me from continuing to play… RRBC rules 😛

 Lincoln Cole


  • (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card,
  • (1) Signed paperback copy of “RAVEN’S PEAK,”
  • (1) E-book copy of “RAVEN’S PEAK”;

 Going Deeper/Tara Fairfield


(1) Hard cover copy of “MAKAI QUEEN”;

Brent J. Griffiths


(2) $10 Amazon Gift Cards;

#RRBC – Publishing at the Block

Blog Party 1

today we have only one stop on the Block…



  • (1) 3-Day Weekend Blog Tour,
  • (1) 24-hr Twitter Support
  • & (1) $5 Amazon Gift Card;

#RRBC Block Party – heading into week two

more great prizes are waiting for y’all in week two of the best block party to hit the internet… woo who… readers, blogger, authors, etc … all kinds of goodness

Blog Party 1

here are three great stops for you guys to hit… remember to comment so that you will be automatically entered to win today’s prizes

 Milele Safari/Jan Hawke


  • (1) $10 Amazon Gift Card,
  • (1) Pre-publication Milele Safari Cover Zazzle T-shirt &
  • (1) Pre-publication Milele Cover Rectangular or Ergonomic (right hand only) Zazzle Mousemat;

Defending Crusader Kingdoms/Helena Schrader


(1) E-book copy of “ENVOY OF JERUSALEM”;



  • (1) FREE Membership or Membership Renewal
  • & (1) $5 Amazon Gift Card;

omg peeps… looks like we have a chance to win something from the RRBC homefront…woo who… and look at those other sites… these are all some exciting prize opportunities… okay… I am off to check these guys out… happy wordage, tracey

paint your words in 3D

alrighty then… this is a repost of sorts, though not from my own blog sites… I had someone else publish this about a year ago, and thought that it had been long enough and wanted to share it here for fifth Friday… I really enjoyed writing it, and would love to here everyone else’s dos and don’ts when it comes to writing…


Add a Little Sex, Humor, and Fighting

Writing you novel, and looking for the best way to keep your readers interested??? Here are a few aspects that I always try to include…

Finding the words to make you Novel memorable!!

The easiest way to write about something is to know it inside and out. If you want to understand the inner workings of the restaurant business??? Want to be able to describe the feeling of flying through the air??? How about explaining the reality of living on a horse ranch???

Watch, Ask, and Do!!! Stalk local restaurants, pull out your pad and pen as you interview anyone that will stand still long enough, and see if you can help out in the kitchen (get hired on a month/summer basis). Take a flying lesson and do all you can to learn the ropes. Lasso yourself a cowboy and … Sorry, got distracted by the thought of cowboys and lassos, but I think you get the picture. Do anything and everything you can think of to learn the feel, the taste, and the sights of the world you want to create.


But what happens when you want to add a little sexual tension to your novel? How about those full blown sex scenes?? Some of the things we add to our novels are either impractical or impossible for us to learn about first hand. Remember that song Can’t Buy Me Love?? Well, you can’t force a love connection just to learn what it feels like. You might not want to try out some of the bedroom gymnastics portrayed by the lustiest of novels. What in the world do you do now?

Well, you could always make it up, use your imagination. But where to start? And how are you going to get your reader to pay attentions when your words feel rushed or halting? LOL I suggest you look it up.

I love romance, from the behind-the-bedroom-door actions to the break-the-bed-and-hope-the-neighbors-don’t-call-the-police sex-capaids. By the time I finished writing Shocking Finds and my other rough drafts, my book shelf looks like a How to Become a Porn Addict guide. My mother borrowed my kindle and just about had a heart attack. But we learned to become writers by reading, so learn about being a romance writer by reading … romance, light hearted or pornish. Read each book and find the scenes that speak to your emotions, and your fantasies. How do they describe the feel of a man’s hand along your thigh, caressing your back, or jerking you into his arms. Learn how to put the feel of each action into the scene, don’t just tell the reader it happened.  Get your own romance collection.


Humor can be even harder to portray than passion. We live in a diverse world, with varying senses of humor. Have you ever been at a party and stood with your friends as they doubled over in laughter, all while you looked on in confusion? If liquor wasn’t involved, chances are that you either missed the joke or just didn’t find it funny. Or worse … Have you told a story that brought tears laughter to your eyes, but looked around to see that your friends were scratching their heads, going over your words, and looking for the humor?? Reading is only the first step to attacking this issue.

Okay. Reading something that you find funny might not help you to impress your friends, but reading something that millions of other readers considered humorous may improve your writing. Humor is just as important and passion when it comes to adding emotions to your novel. You want your reader to get lost in the worlds you create. If they can feel each scene, then you are on the right track. This is something that I hope to get better and more polished at as I continue to write.

If all else fails, try a comedy club or two. Get in a frame of mind that helps your words to come out in flowing manner, instead of just dropping a joke into you story now and them. Personally, I don’t even consider what kind of emotion or humor I can add to my story when I’m writing that rough draft. As I bring my story to life I try to see where they are going, how I can build up to that moment when the emotions (no matter if it is passions, anger, failure, gut wrenching sadness, or humor) will reach the page full tilt.


Oooo… Fighting, bloodbaths, all out war… Okay, this one is easy. First you make sure that your annoying neighbor, with the yappy dog, and lack of parking etiquette is home. You do some stretches, get your muscles loose and ready, and then walk over and punch him in the face… see, easy…

What? You think that could lead to jail time, or just finding yourself lying on his doorstep as you watch little cartoon birdies fly around your head. Hmm. Well the other method is much harder. It also involves a great deal of reading, or you could take a martial arts class to learn the feel of some of the moves and defenses. I was lucky enough to take a karate class as a child. That was long ago but some of the motions are hard to forget.

But fighting and violence isn’t just accomplished in a fist fight. You can stripe the hide off of someone’s sense of worth with words a lot easier than you can with a sidekick. I didn’t grow up in a household that contained harsh words, but some of you might be able to call on those memories. Pull them up and use them to make will have your reader sobbing and looking for the ice cream, clinching their fists on behalf of your character, or maybe feeling anxiety as you add more turmoil to your character’s life.

This is the hardest emotion for me to bring to my novels. So of course, I practice. The best results come when you hang out with a friend or two and then… Okay, just kidding. This is something that needs to be done in your head, or out loud as you drive down the highway. Alone. I usually look like an insane person when I’m driving. Sometimes bringing myself to tears with harsh words. Your friends can only help if you sit down and they are willing to have a heart to heart walk down memory lane with you. Otherwise … prepare to look a little loony as you fight with yourself as you cruise down the highway.

No matter what you decide to write, what you want to bring to your story, how you want to portray your characters lives and their world… remember to have fun with it. Enjoy what you write, and hopefully others will love it as well.

Tracey Clark

Plum Proud :P

Between my plum tree, my pregnant cousin, and two celebrations, my first week in July has been exhaustingly fun… man, oh man… I could use a few days of sleep (if my mind would just shut down long enough) to recharge…

for the last three years, I’ve been excited to get a dozen (if that) plums from my tree… but this year, omg peeps… we have dozens upon dozens of plums… there are soo many that I have been pawning them off on family, friends, and the occasional stranger… lol… the two plum tree (total accident, I didn’t mean to buy all plum) in the back yard are too young to produce any fruit, but once they grow up a bit we are gonna be overwhelmed by the tasty little treats…

as for my prego cuz… she had her baby shower, and made out like a bandit… lots of goodies for the next generation… if only she would let us know what the sex is… sigh… but mom really wants it to be a girl… I mean, really-really wants a girl… lol… so most of the gifts from us were feminine… which opened the door for sexually confused baby-boy jokes… yep… I am soooo not above a few ‘overly metro-sexual jibes’… I also announced to the room that the card we gave to her husband was just for him, for a job well done… lol… really it was the thousand dollars that mom foolishly promised the first person to give her a grandbaby… (me or one of my two cousins)…

since the baby’s sex was unknown, the party was decorated in team spirit colors… not that any of us *cuz included* attend/attended Louisville… but cuz and her hubby are die hard fans… you just know she is brain washing her young while they are still in the womb… lol


and finally, I spend the first week celebrating my grans birthday with some yummy KFC… and laughing with friends and family at my book party… the book celebration had a nice turn out, but sadly, I threw the bash while a handful of peeps were off sunning at the beach… still… both parties were an excellent way to start off the month…

all right… that’s it for now… happy wordage peeps…

Southern Discoveries_ebook (1)
B2 Finder’s Keepers


oh yeah…and don’t forget to sign up for my Book Newsletter … just head up to the Newsletter link at the top of the page to be sure to get all Book updates… so far there are books one and two (Shocking Finds & Southern Discoveries) in the Finder’s Keepers Series… and soon … book one in the Skymann Series… woo who… later, Tracey…

Drawing a Blank

This heat is killing me… add to that the sporadic downpours, which stirs up the humidity… My entire body feels heavy … I keep thinking that life would be perfect if only I had a large body of cool water near by that I could spend my day floating in… imagination people… because my permanently rooted home is only close to water that I would push my enemies into… I won’t be dipping my own toe in it, that’s for sure.


oh yeah… just put a little hut cut into the rock behind the waterfall and life would be perfect… wake up, eat breakfast and swim in the cool morning sun… ahhhh…. evil heat wouldn’t be able to get me then… hey, if I’m wrong and it’s still too hot, I could always find a way to grow gills… I could live underwater if worse came to worst…

for now, I guess I’ll just have to hide inside with the air-conditioned… also need to work on my next book… not something that my life in the water will be helpful with… lol… anyone know where I can get a waterproof laptop??? the best of both worlds… ahhhh… all it needs is a horse or two… and the perfect man??? maybe… this chick isn’t that great with allure… maybe just the laptop and horse… life in the water… yep…

anywho… the book I am working on now is a contemporary romance… a little different than my first two books, which were more urban fantasy with some romance thrown in for good measure…

okay… off to get my dogs and then work on my Skymann series… hot alpha males with a soft side… and strong family support…

Southern Discoveries Excerpt…

June is almost at the halfway mark… it is insane but I feel like the days are flying by… on an up note, though, I have found that jumping into another book (and all the writing, plus evil edits) has helped with writer’s depression… it is amazing how the high of having a book reach the publishing stage can disappear so quickly… doubt and depression is just waiting in the wings to swoop in to attack… what to do??? write, write, write… throw in an art project or two… and then write some more…

alright… my first newsletter just went out… sign up HERE …

here is the Exerpt of Southern Discoveries…  check out the first two chapters … now out in eBook and Paperback… here are the Buy Links

Southern Discoveries_ebook (1)

for June art projects, I have been working on some jewelry … I forgot to take a picture of the bracelet I made for my cuz’s (pregnant cuz) for her birthday… braided leather with baby themed charms… (pacifier, crib, stroller, heart that said – made with love, and feet imprints)…

okay… back to the writer’s cave… 😛 happy wordage, tracey

oh… and here is the link to my booklet post… make your own Swag…



Art palooza….


I have another site, Clark Arts and Crafts, and this month I am posting about all the swag and art projects (and anything I see that I think is beautiful)…

but as most of the people that visit one site don’t necessarily see the other site, I wanted to share a few of the pieces with you guys… this is just some of the bracelets… I don’t have the other projects photographed yet… and as you can see, there are a lot of bracelets… I find it soothing to make them… other projects require you to bend over a table while you work…

I also have some friendship bracelets … made from both hemp and embroidery thread… but I really like the beaded necklaces that I put together…


okay… that’s it… happy wordage everyone, tracey


Drum roll please

my second book cover… I love the look and feel…

Southern Discoveries_ebook (1)

Marin doesn’t know what to think when Makayla LaPine, the office beauty queen, suddenly wants to go out for a bite to eat. As far as Marin knew, Makayla had always believed her to be a waste of oxygen, so why the invite. Curiosity killed the cat… Marin just hopes that her curiosity doesn’t kill the Finder. Could Makayla be a Fae assassin hiding in bitchy southern-bell clothing?

Makayla can’t believe that her life has been reduced to this… asking the flighty office girl for help. Could Marin really be the help she has been searching for? Out of the blue, everyone at Finder’s Keepers have been turning to Marin for answers. If she hopes to ever find out what happened to her twin brother, Makayla will be forced to do the same. She wants answers. With her goal within reach, she will take a chance on Marin and avoid all distractions, namely the overwhelmingly sexual stranger begging for her attention.

Quaidin wants to get in, finish his mission, and get out. Anything to get back to Out-realm and as far from Earth-side as possible. His band of mercenaries, the Fianna, have one goal… to locate Marin De Platadreki, the highly sought after Fae Princess, and see to her protection, hopefully back in Out-realm. As the Incubus on the squad, he needs to focus on persuasion and manipulation. The mission should have been a walk in the park. He never saw Makayla coming. A woman with enough sexual attraction to bring him to his knees…

The Blurb still needs a little work, but you guys get the picture… I love Makayla’s character… she is seriously sassy and a little rude, but she is so much more than the front she shows to the world… And Quaidin… sigh…. who wouldn’t want an Incubus hottie chasing after them…

this is the cover design I got from Reverie… the woman in charge is an amazing graphic artist…

1 head to her Facebook Site or her Website to check out her goodies…

I already have two covers and this awesome banner for book signings…


 happy wordage everyone… next month I hope to present the cover of my first contemporary romance, out of my new Skymann series… tracey

Books galore!!!


I love the book covers and banners designs (just to name a few) to be found at


the woman in charge really knows her stuff… and she works with you until you are deliriously happy with what you’re buying… I have only tried out the banner (and how cute is my author banner… I love it) and book covers… for now I like to play around with my own swag and business cards, but I definitely have her on speed dial for all graphic needs, because, though I am an arts and crafts addict, I know nothing of graphic artistry…

if you want to check her out, head over to her Facebook Site or her Web Site

I have shared my first book cover a bazillion times, because it is awesome… :p but on Friday, I want to reveal the cover for Southern Discoveries (Finder’s Keepers: book 2) … it is quite possibly even better than my first cover… pop by on Friday to see another masterpiece by Reverie… happy wordage everyone…

4-30-2016 #Writing Prompt – Wrap ups

woowho…. so, this is the last day of CampNaNoWriMo … if you didn’t participate this time, not to worry… camp happens in april and july … and NaNoWriMo comes every November … the best part about camp is get to choose your writing goal… so those of you that don’t feel you can read the 50k goal (a must in nov) can still win all the goodies available …

but back to the writing prompt… Wrap Ups… since this is that last day, I decided to give you all a quick prompt, and then a guide to improve and play with your novel once the first draft is finished… sooo the prompt??

take one of your secondary characters and work on dialogue and actions… you can use them to more the story along, add humor, lighten the mood after a serious moment, spark a fight or cause the MC to need to save them… again… 😛

lol… I love sarcasm… now for the warp up – prompt… use the following pinterest pics to work on showing vs telling … body language and word usage… I also suggest The Emotional Thesaurus and other similar books…  I also like the ones on positive and negative traits…

now… instead of grouping photos like I have been, I am putting each one up by itself… I’m not sure if this will make things easier, but hopefully, you will able to save them and then print them out if you want…





Body description…



some of these are good for non-fantasy characters… if you know your characters job you will be able to picture what they look like, what type of gestures they may use more than others…


don’t make your  characters perfect… good or bad guys, add a flaw or two… muhahahahaha



work on word usage in your wiritng…






what does your MC’s pain feel like…



there are all kinds of ways to take your novel to the next level… these are just a few of them… I hope they helped… just remember to enjoy your edits… I have found that playing with showing vs telling and using examples like these help make the editing process fun… and I seriously hate edits.. lol 😛

that’s it for this month of nano writing prompts… here is your pinterest prompt to wrap things up… happy wordage, tracey


4-29-2016 #WritingPrompt – Location

today’s writing prompt is very important… if not for your story line then to help get you in the head space to know what you characters will do and say… where they will go, what areas can provide the prefect backdrop for dialogue, or what hiding places are available for you villains… today we are using Location

I had the opportunity to travel to Europe as a teen… and hopefully one day I will work those wonderful destinations into my novels… I find that experiencing an area firsthand helps to bring it to life when you are writing… in this day and age, the internet can do a lot for you, but being there and experiencing it for yourself is always better…

make it fun… before you go into your edits, take a road trip tot he area you want you MC to come from… not only will you be able to add important details to your story, you just might be inspired for your next novel… going before you write is good, but it is never too late to take that trip… not until you put ‘the end’ on the last page…

now I have some USA maps here, but that is because that’s my home country… it is always easier to start with what you know… what you love…

what area does your MC come from… what landscapes and hometown treasures can you incorporate into your story… people love to learn little know facts, especially if they are weaved into a story without becoming an informational text… you have the perfect opportunity to show something/someplace that you love/enjoyed through your novels…

for me that will always be Kentucky… I love my state… from the caves and the lakes, the horse and the bourbon… the waterfalls, changing leaves in fall, and the Appalachian mountains…. I love it all…

I had someone ask me once ‘why Kentucky?’ for my story… and I had to ask ‘Why not Kentucky? Kentucky rocks…’ lol… so where is your MC from…

okay… that’s it… tomorrow will be our last writing prompt as Camp NaNoWriMo comes to a close… for now… here is your pinterest writing prompt… happy wordage, tracey


Magical Eyes

oooo…. this is another month with five Fridays … and this seemed like the perfect writing prompt to share… I know I already did one on eyes… but fifth Fridays are all about beauty and I found a few more eye pinterest pics… I wanted to put them human/animal side by side… it is easy to see that a human can have ‘animal eyes’ and an animal can hold human intelligence in there gaze… 😛

I love visual aids for descriptions… no matter if I am sketching out something for myself, or stealing some cool pics on pinterest… like these… eyes and people/animals come in so many shapes and colors… it doesn’t matter if you are writing something otherworldly, or creating something from the more contemporary genres… eyes are still magnificently varying, no matter what you write…

sooo have fun with it… anyone can write about blue or brown eyes… give me eyes so dark they resemble chunks of coal… or eyes the bluest of blues, like a clear summer day…. because even when you change it up with ice blue, it is great to have a picture to look at so that you can continue past those two little words… an icy blue so pale the whites seem to merge and mix with the shocking color… and animals… give your human shapeshifter the eyes that their animal would have… not a must, but it could be fun and shocking for your characters…

whatever you do, have fun with it and happy wordage, tracey

4-28-2016 #WritingPrompt – Communication

today’s writing prompt is Communicate… how we communicate with the world, with team members, with ourselves… how we use nature and animals in communications… and how that can be used in our writing…


it seems that the alpha male always comes with a way to silently communicate with team members, but how do we writers communicate his actions so that the readers can visualize what is happening in the story… I saw these and just had to share… if you can practice a few of these hand signals, it will help you to write them down when they are needed in your story…


or morse code… your MC could be trapped in a  building, locked in a room with no way out, but their are pipes leading through the building… pipes that can carry sound to the rescue party searching above them… muhahahaha… or a victim you MC doesn’t know is there, can tap out an SOS…

I have never done this before…but on tv, it is described as longs and shorts… so G would be two long, one short…. and so on… you victim/MC could use a walkie/some kind of radio to tap out morse code with the  static… or the bad guys could be communicating over the radio… they could hijack a radio station, and every hour on the hour they could have ‘technical difficulties’… but really it is a message in the static/song cutting out…

so we have hand signals and signals in sound, but what if you can’t see the signal???


Your MC could make/use invisible ink to pass secrets/coded messages … or maybe your MC finds a messages that was used by the bad guys… or your MC finds a coded text in invisible ink on something really old… is your MC a treasure hunter???

other than invisible ink and morse code, your characters could use wind talkers or cryptography… when it comes to cryptography, I get a little lost, but I wanted to include it just incase you guys find it interesting and want to add it to your story

wind/code talkers on the other hand, have always been close to my heart… my background is Cherokee, not Navajo, but I have always respected these brave souls… they helped this country, even after all that they had lost at the hands of the white man… now I am as pale as pale can be, but my grandfather had a reddish brown tan to his skin all year round… my contemporary series is full of men with American Indian genetics… I love the skin tone and wanted them to have that year round beauty…

alrighty… two more forms of communication to go… what if you character is deaf or mute??? you still need a way for them to add dialogue to your story… knowing a little more about sign language can help you to show what is happening in your novel, instead of just telling…

and last but not least (I am sure there are many other forms I have missed) nature… let your character track someone or something through the woods…. let nature speak to them… use broken leaves/twigs and especially animal tracks…

that all for now… I hope something has helped to fire up your imagination… now for the pinterest writing prompt… happy wordage, tracey


4-27-2016 #WritingPrompt – Mystery

From Mr. Bean and Hitchcock … to Rearview Window and A Beautiful Mind… Mystery plays a big part in our entertainment… so for today’s writing prompt we are going with Mystery… even if you don’t consider yourself a mystery writer, there is a lot to be said for adding just a touch to your normal genre…

do you need a death scene that isn’t immediately solved… here are a Murder riddles that should be easy to work into your novel…


After you have brushed up on mystery elements and vocabulary… I have found this helpful worksheet, your own personal cheat sheet to writing your mystery… one thing that I heard over and over when I first started writing… ‘try what you think you will enjoy, and then try genres outside your comfort zone’… because you never know what you will like… and if you try multiple genres in short story format, you’ve lost nothing… and very little time… consider these shorts appetizers that have to the ability to wet the palate of potential readers…

and as always… read, read, read… so that you can get a feel for what works in the community of reader for that genre… most writers will tell you that they accumulated a stack of rejections before they managed to start to gain readers/an agents/or a publisher… today it is insanely easy to publish what you write… but we still need to find people willing to read our work.. no matter if you are an indie writer, a traditional writer, a self-published writer, or a hybrid author… we need readers… I don’t know near enough about PR but I do know one thing… your book must be worthy of the genre, otherwise no one will get past the first few pages… so find your style, try different things, and then get someone that has been in the game a while to help you label your genre… (Omg… do I hate picking the exact genre and sub-genre for my novels…) there are a number of choices out there these days, and that is great for readers, but my head hurts just thinking about typing… grrr…

alright, alright… I am being less than helpful… maybe a couple of you guys can write in and tell me what genre you think I write (if you’ve read one of my books… Shocking Finds, or an ARC for one of my upcoming novels)… I could soooo use the help peeps… but back to our Mystery Prompt… though reading the genres you enjoy writing is important in my book, I also think that you should check out movies from mystery genres… sometimes the visual can be even more helpful than the written…

and my final mystery suggestion… have fun with your learning… throw a murder mystery party… or go online and play one of the many mystery hunt games… soon they will be nicknaming you Sherlock… muahahahaha


and here is a pinterest writing prompt to kick off your mystery writing… start you story with a misunderstanding that leads to the unknown… happy wordage, tracey


4-26-2016 #WritingPrompt – Alibi

muhahahaha… will your villain get away with murder??? today’s writing prompt is Alibi… if your story contains a crime, especially murder… be sure to add in a few of the fun facts that will help to make your story believable…


I’m not suggesting that you overload your story with facts… unless you’re writing for CSI fans, you might lose readers…

but if you come across a fact or two that make you stop and think “wow… cool…” then definitely add it to your novel… then drop in a few of the other facts that will help to move the story from ‘oh, crap… a murder…’ to ‘you’ll never get away with this sucker’

your MC might focus on one piece of evidence while others gather the rest… but that one piece, maybe something that seems unrelated, will play a part in catching your bad guys, or stopping the villain from getting away… or maybe it will be something that they notice and focus on while thinking/talking about something else… then, bam, they remember and save the day…

maybe your MC is new to crime scenes, shocked by the wounds to the body… or in paranormal, shocked to see something that doesn’t make sense… or maybe they are really good at figuring out the crime, but the crime scene is something they can never get used to…

but if you add a fact to your story, make sure that it is correct… I love learning something fascinating from my stories, from a fact about car safety to the number of cave systems in the state of Kentucky… but we’re talking about alibis here… and your villain can’t have a false alibi you break down if you have your facts wrong… and discovering a fact like DNA or a blade wound that matches a purchase made by the bad guy can force your MC to take another look at them, despite their alibi… and then they can work to break it…


I haven’t checked out this checklist yet, but it sounds interesting…

you can find facts, then find ways to screw with them… like how could a bite mark mislead an investigation??? or you could look at the ways a crime scene can be delayed, so that the time of death is off… something the villain could do to have time to set up his alibi… play with your crime and have some fun with it…

alright… that’s it for today… here is your pinterest writing prompt… something that has nothing to do with crimes/alibis… does your MC have a routine they go through every day, or once a year before swimsuit time??? does it make them happy/full of energy, or crabby/full of complaints… happy wordage, tracey
