Tag Archives: author secrets

Rockin’ Book Reviews

I just wanted to share the wonderful interview Lu Ann over at RockinBookReviews.com did for me… she is having a giveaway for Shocking Finds… so head over HERE and check out the pictures and Q&A, followed by her Raffle-copter… This woman rocks peeps, and always has new book info on hand, and lots of giveaways to join in on…

happy wordage, Tracey

PS the giveaway ends on 1-8-2016… enjoy

Monthly Goods

I have been thinking… blogging is very important to a writer but what do I really have to say to people besides my writing??? So what did I come up with??? Monthly goods, or more accurately, weekly goods… Like the first week of every month I could update the world on book progress…

The second week of every month??? How about Multiple Sclerosis facts from my point of view… I mean, we all have issues and problems that we have to deal with on a daily basis… it is only through exposure that the scary and unknown can be faced… as human beings we have a very long history of lashing out at what we don’t understand… I actually had a woman screaming in my face when i parked in a handicapped parking space… not cool… but when you first look at me, i  look healthy and in the prime of life… HA… after I was near tears and screaming back that she could call my doctor up for my latest MRI (possible foul language involved) she became meek and started explaining all the reasons why her behavior was acceptable…. still not cool… I know that explaining my day to day MS blues might not help with parking lot attacks, but if those I know and those I interact with know what MS is and how it can affect my reactions and health, then hopefully misunderstandings can be avoided… but lets be a little more fun with the topic… lots of facts, and some oops, the MS made me do it stories… (like the time I threw my diet coke in my own face because of an arm twitch…)

Week three??? Lets do art time… I love all things art… and when I need to recharge (aka: give my brain a rest) I put down the evil edits and do something artsey… paint an oil painting, design a bracelet, and I plan to start making my own pendants…. the clay has been bought, and soon the pendants will be created… muhahahaha… not to mention the design book mom picked out for one of my Christmas presents (shhh, don’t tell)

And finally we rap up the month with Random Chat… like ranting and raving about my favorite shows and movies, the local restaurants, and vacation fun… and everything has to be full of pinterest pictures as well as my own pictures…

But that only takes up four days out of every month… that is a lot of days left un-blogged… boooo…. these are the early days of my writing career… which means I have time to put in a few more blogs than the more famous authors… So lets put in a few book reviews when I have read something new (which is my other pass-time) and random daily insanity posts… woo who… for now, happy wordage every one, Tracey Clark

Day one Contest


This, the day Dec 2, I reveal to you one fact about myself that no one knows… hmmm… that’s a hard one… I am pretty open about all things ME!!! The good and the bad… I believe in airing it all, if asked… so maybe I should amend this… for me Day one will be ‘one fact no one knows because they forgot to ask’ lol… nope… it will have to be ‘one fact no one knows but my mother’ cause momma knows all :p

  • I made out with my best guy friend, behind his girls back… his girlfriend just happen to be my best female friend…(I know, screwed up) but I had been crushing on this guy for years, and she had a tendency to BE WITH anyone I glanced at (and then cheat on them)… so I totally felt justified(teenage thinking)… thank heavens I didn’t let thing go all the way, cause he said he believed in transparency. which basically meant that he liked to stir things up and see what reactions he could get… very glad to be out of HS…

Now, that you know my dirty secret, go sign up for the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter… HERE …. and you will be entered to win a Santa Box full of free books by all of us at GWP… winner will be announced Dec 18th … woo who… Happy Wordage

PS… if you repost this, please use the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway