Day 14 GWP Contest


Two days left to enter to win our Santa Box filled with books by the GWP authors… How do you enter??? Easy… Just go HERE and sign up to receive the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter… you will be automatically entered to win… the winner will be announced on Dec 18th… Until then, enjoy our daily Author answers… we will be posting under the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway  … if you see these hashtags, stop and check out the other authors and their daily answers… 😛

for Day 14 the question is about the Last Book I Read… which was Wild Cat by Christine Feehan… I am waiting for her next Sisters of the Heart novel… but for now it is all leopards… grrr


tomorrow, the last day in our contest, I will have a surprise for y’all… til then, happy wordage 😛 tracey

i would love to hear from you... feel free to comment!!