New short story

Very exciting… A few months back I was asked to participate in an anthology of shorts by new and unknown authors… Catherine Broughton invited me to join the fun, and for my part, I decided to introduce one of the characters that will be seen in Book Two of the Finder’s Keepers Series…

Giving Chase

Savien Volt is focused on helping to prepare for the upcoming birth of the Queen’s latest child. He wants nothing to do with Antonius Slade, but Anton has connections. Connections that include the Queen herself, and she wants Savien to help Anton locate a woman that lives deep in the forests of North-eastern Ohio. A woman that no one else has been about to track down…


Head over to Amazon HERE to download the kindle version and check out Giving Chase to find out what happens when Savien finally catches up with this mysterious woman… if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read the kindle version for free….

If you are more of a paperback reader, head over to Amazon HERE and order your copy… these links will take you to the US site of Amazon, but not to worry… Stories in Green Ink is going out everywhere, because we authors are coming to you from all over the world…

If you shop at and want to buy the Kindle version go HERE … and if you prefer the paperback version, go HERE

I’m not sure how works, but Stories in Green can be found there as well… enjoy your reads, Tracey Clark



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