Meeting the World

Shocking Finds, by Tracey L Clark to be published

 Well, so much excitement … with a heavy dose of OMG. I want to run up and down the street like a wild woman, screaming “My book is coming, my book is coming!!!” I am so overwhelmed, anxious, filled with nerves and enough happiness to split my face in half with my grin.


Soooo, now what? Well, my job is done. Right? I can take my best bud and move to my own personal island. I can grab some me time, and finally relax as I watch all the copies of my world-changing book fly off the shelf. I can plan out my next step with leisure. HA!

I don’t know what will come next. Not really. But I know that the world of books doesn’t end when a publisher takes interest. For now, I plan to start edits on books two and three. I plan to cross my fingers that the world enjoys Shocking Finds: A Finder’s Keepers Novel. And above all else … I plan to follow my publisher’s lead. She is the expert here, in this frightening world. I can’t wait to yell out, “I sold my first book!!” I think that first book sale will feel like that first dollar that new business owners have framed up on their wall. But to get to the point that I get to grin about book sales, I need to follow and learn from Mary at

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Now it is back to the keyboard. Now I beg for reviews from the betas that helped me to get to this point. I squeal with joy with my writing buddies that have had my back when I believed that no one would ever want to take a chance on a girl with nothing to list in the accomplishments area of an evil query letter. Now I go out to celebrate with my mother and the friends that continued to tell me that my story had merit. Now, I promote and get ready to ride the roller coaster to come. So many people helped to push me up high enough to reach my goal. The writing world is a wonderful place. I have been extremely lucky to find fellow wordy friends, while embracing the support from home.


I don’t know how other writers do this. How do we face the unknown as we place our hard work in the hands of others? I hope that every lover of Paranormal/Fantasy Romance finds their way to my novel, and that they enjoy the world unfolding around Marin. If they enjoy the Fae assassins, snotty little Sprite, and the romantic leading man (Kyland) half as much as I enjoyed writing about them, then that will be a gift. With each review that I read about the love a reader has found for my writing, I want to start my sprints down the street all over again. So far I have had nothing but positive words coming my way, and I have treasured each and every comment.

I hope the crushing blow of the unavoidable negative review (because not every book lover, loves in the same way) doesn’t come for years. Hey, maybe even decades… 😛 For now, it is back to my wonderful worlds. Maybe I can write a few shorts to cleanse my writing palate. Like stretches before the big race. Maybe I will explore mystical castles, the world of dragons, or even the descent into the unknown.


*all pics can be found on Pinterest

I can’t wait to start sharing things like my first book cover, the release date (which should be sometime in the coming Fall), and all the updates on future insanity. Cause you know there will be insanity. But the good kind of insanity, the kind that leads to laughter and an extra chapter or two in my next novel. For now, how about one of my favorite moments from Shocking Finds….


Being forced to play chauffeur already had Anton on edge. The little gift in his trunk was going to push him over the edge. Kyland hid his grin in Marin’s hair.

Straightening in his seat, Kyland allowed Anton to see his smirk, as their eyes met in the rearview mirror. “You may wish to drive faster. Arriving at Marin’s before the present in your trunk is fully awake could prove prudent.” At least Kyland had a base line for how long his sleeping draft would last.

“What do you mean? What present? And why my trunk?” Anton sure had a lot of questions, but at least he drove a little faster.

“I needed to transport him back to Marin’s house, and your car was unlocked.”

“It most certainly was not, you Battle-Fae-Bastard.” Anton was vibrating with tension.

“It was after I broke in.” And, okay, Kyland was enjoying himself. He felt lighter, more energetic.

Anton stared into the mirror, shock and anger plain on his face. Before he could speak, and possibly ruin their lovely drive, Kyland added, “I do not know what the big deal is. Marin blew out the rest of the windows, and I needed to open the trunk.” Kyland smirked and then happily pointed out, “Watch the road, or at least that tree blocking our way.”

—–Happy wordage, Tracey

29 thoughts on “Meeting the World”

  1. I think the one thing that stops most people from ever finishing or publishing a novel is the fear you were talking about – they don’t want to allow their “baby” to be out there to be criticized, so they don’t even try. Congrats on being one of those higher beings who is willing to put it all out there and take your best shot – and BTW, love the excerpt! I am a big fan of paranormal romances, so I’m intrigued!


    1. thanks… I love hearing when someone enjoys reading my babies… getting ready to allow the world access to the full ms is daunting but soooo cool… right now my publisher is planning to do a blog tour is enough of my friends/followers are interested in being a blog stop… really, I could be saying this all wrong… lol… this is my first, so advice from near and far will be sooo appreciated … spread the word, and if you or anyone you know want to be a stop on the blog tour, let me know and I will connect you to my publisher 🙂 happy wordage, *Paranormal Romance RULES


    2. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That sounds amazing. You’re living my dream – I am slightly envious 😉
        I’d love for you to be a stop here….but it’s a bit far for you to come 😉 Will pass the details along to friends nearer to you though 🙂


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


        1. lol… I am a blog tour virgin… soooo I know nothing… I will send her your email… and how in the world did I manage not to follow you page before now… I blame the computer… 😛

          Liked by 1 person

            1. lol… I think this publishing biz has my brain scrambled… 😛 … I will try to figure out the ‘follow by email’ widget… I am tech lite… I will get there, but some times it takes a while… thanks for the advice…


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


  2. Congratulations!!!!! This is indeed one of the best times in the writer’s long and, at times, lonely journey. For me, I remember (almost exactly one year ago) this day very well. I wish you all the success with your book and in all your future writing endeavors. And I look forward to reading it one day very soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And EXCITED you should be!!! I never been part of a blog tour before so I don’t know have much advice about them. I’m still learning this promotion thing. But I’m willing to help out in anyway possible. Give me a shout!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. cool… if you want to be a stop just email mary… if not able… I will be sure to blog about the whole thing so that you will be prepared for it when it is your turn… 😛 thanks for the cyber fist bump… let me know when you are ready for your own promotions and I will do what I can… thanks for the kind words

          Liked by 1 person

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