Tag Archives: link party

Off to a running start… NaNoWriMo

Woowho… 9am and I have 2,090 words written toward my 50K word goal… that is a lot of words, peeps… I plan to rack up at least 2K more… yep, I’m insane… lol… but the cushion is a must… especially if I plan to fit in Karen Chance’s latest novel on Nov 3… OMG, am I excited about this book!!!


I love her Pritkin character, and just have to find out more… I want him to get to be with Cassie… *swoon***AHHHH!!!!

There are a few other books on my must read list, but Reap the Wind is at the top of the heap… I have a lot to do this month… Between NaNo, books I want to enjoy, and family, I have a few guest posts to organize (both ones featuring me on someone else’s site and a few post for my own site featuring other people) Oh, boy… I also need to continue making swag… I have some booklets, which are palm sized and contain the first few chapters of Shocking Finds… They are the cutest things I have ever seen… and they were a pain to figure out… lol… It was like a puzzle, a brain teaser, but I finally figured out a templet


I also plan to make some more bookmarks when I have time… sorry about the pic, but I had a devil of a time taking the picture… I laminated them before adding the beads, so the light keeps bouncing off that… but trust me, they are cuties… the templet for those was a lot easier…

ax uih

working with the small evil (but cute) beads tends to cramp my fingers up… but come one… I have plans and stiff fingers only slow me down, I refuse to be stopped… muhahaha… maybe that is why I decided to make a few bracelets… I am getting so good at them that I need a few for myself…


Yep… I love those things… lol…

But the most important part of November is NaNoWriMo… most of the month will be about writing (editing and fluffing out the chapters) book two of the Finder’s Keepers Series… I’m also writing a short story for one of the minor characters… one that I already love, and may end up using more in the forefront, but that is up to the voices in my head… really, the voices are in charge… *no there not, yes we are, no way, we’ll give you a migraine if you don’t comply, I’ll kill off your character, We’ll give you… WRITER’S BLOCK… muhahahahahaha* 😛

alrighty… I’ve gotta go finish my internal fight, and continue adding to my latest novel… happy wordage, Tracey

Blog Tour

I decided to update and reblog this post… this way anyone interested in joining the blog tour will have an excerpt of Shocking Finds, without searching. I added the excerpt at the end of this post… happy reading, and happy wordage… tracey

Finder's Keepers - Author Tracey Clark


*pic found at https://twitter.com/DenoglaFilms


PRESS RELEASE: Tracey Clark signs on

Gone Writing Publishing would like to welcome Tracey Clark as our newest signed author.
Be on the look out in the Fall of 2015 for Tracey’s newest book. Shocking Finds: A Finder’s Keeper.
-Gone Writing Publishing

Sooo … the excitement continues. This is all so new and overwhelming at times, but then I take a deep breath and get my fears under control. My wonderful publisher, Mary Smith at http://gonewritingpublishing.blogspot.com/, has been working over time to get my book, and me, ready for release. Her editor is hard at work checking all my dotted i’s and crossed t’s, her graphic artist is pulling together the perfect image to represent the feel of the world I created.

I’m not sure what exactly happens during a blog tour, and sadly didn’t have time to gone into an in depth Q&A with…

View original post 14,533 more words

Meet n Greet

That’s me of course…
now follow the link, take a peek through the comments, add your own, see what blogs interest you…add your name/info/a fun fact about your blog… all fair in blog lovin … this is your meet and greet, people … happy wordage 😛