Tag Archives: fall

Fall Into Romance bloghop

Ahhhh…. Fall is the best time of year, especially in Ky

fall KY/home
fall KY/home

My favorite Fall Activity has to be taking pictures of all the changing colors, the leaves falling to the ground in reds, yellows, and browns… and so many other colors. It is also the only time of year that I feel comfortable walking through the trees. The cool crisp air gets along with my MS, and I get to enjoy the outdoors. I love the way the world smells and feels.

I also love to paint and write in the fall, not that I don’t normally love these activities, but fall seems to recharge my battery. It seems right that my first book was released this fall. Shocking Finds is a paranormal/fantasy romance at its best… Fae assassins, betrayal, and undeniable lust…

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Now for the giveaway portion of our blog hop… to be eligible, comment about your favorite fall activity and on the 22nd I will pick a random comment to win an ebook copy of Shocking Finds…

Now head back over to Sexy Scribblers to check out the other giveaways/posts… the Sexy Scribblers will also be giving away a grand prize … woo who … just click on the Raffle Copter Here

Sexy Scribblers Giveaway


check all the wonderful writers out HERE

Contest to win a copy of Shocking Finds

Contest, contest, contest…

Hit C.D. Hersh’s Blog on Nov 6, and leave a comment on her Shocking Finds Post to enter to win a copy of Shocking Finds (A Finder’s Keepers Novel) … woo who… the contest will run until noon the following Monday… Then a randomly picked commenter will be chosen.

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Just add your comment about the blog and wait to see if you are the lucky winner… happy wordage everyone…

Oct 22 writing prompt… BAR


Okay… word warriors… what can you have your characters do with the word BAR… are they going out dancing at a bar, are they fixing a nightcap at their in home mini-bar, or relaxing after a hard day on the road with a drink from the hotel mini-bar…


Or if your character is in jail, it would be ‘behind bars’


you could think of bars in the terms of gymnastics… like the uneven bars, which is two bars… or the single bar, which is supposed to be harder than the uneven bars…


In other sports, there is the polevolting bar… you run with a pole and then try to sling your body into the air and over the polevolting bar…


or ‘raising the bar’ which is a term used in business… usually the boss wants to see who is the best, and will raise the bar by throwing out a particularly hard task/case/assignment…


an easy one to work into your story would be ‘breakfast bar’ because hey, your character have to eat sometime… and it is easy to grab a breakfast bar


and lastly, a type of exercise… and also a different type of raising the bar… lifting weights deals with a lot of different types of bars, usually with weights attached to either end…


alright, no for forth and write greatness… happy wordage, tracey

Oct 21 writing prompt… MAZE


The Oct 21 writing prompt is MAZE… a maze is basically something that you get lost in, with no idea which way to go…


anyone that watched the first Maze Runner, will be able to pull up a visual of a maze in which your characters can get lost in, fight monsters in, and run around looking for the exit… but a maze can be in a house, out in a hedge garden, or any structure really…


or maybe your character is dealing with a mind maze, something that he/she needs to think their way through… their thoughts are going in circles without a clear end in sight…



and if you spell the word a little differently … MAIZE … you get the meaning ‘corn’… sounds the same, but different meanings…


or, hey, you could put the words together… a Maize Maze… which is great for Halloween and haunted mazes… oooo, scary


happy wordage, Tracey… and it looks like we are all caught up… maybe I will do the 22nd prompt now so I don’t fall behind again… write something great word warriors…

Oct 19 writing prompt… SMASHED


The word smashed can mean a variety of things… one way to apply the word, is to food

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or maybe you can apply it to liquids and drunkenness ….


Smashed can be a part of a drink name, or you can use it as slang for a person that has had too much liquor… Your character can be a chief, or a bartender, or maybe someone that has had one beer too many…

If you want to look at the word smashed without a food or liquid involved, I think of smashing your thumb/finger in a door… I hate when I slam a door on my hand and smash the heck out of my fingers… once I even shut my car door on my thumb, while drinking… so I was smashed when I smashed my thumb in the car door… owwwww…


Happy wordage everyone, only four days left until Shocking Finds is released… woo who… Tracey


Sorry for the delays… I missed a few of my daily writing prompts, which I will be posting later tonight… the world of book editing and swag making threw my MS into coma mode… seems like every time I figured out one of the swag templets my brain went ‘nope, too much… now we sleep!’ and that was it for a few hours… lol… I was like a narcoleptic on a mission…

Anywho… here is a preview of the cute little booklets I made… they contain the first two chapters of Shocking Finds… the bookmarks are almost done, but not yet so no pics of those little buggers…


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sooo cute

Now … I’m off to make some writing prompts… happy wordage, Tracey

Leaves… Prompt

Okay… her is the next part of my short story.. and the answer to the oct 4 Prompt … woo who.. happy wordage everyone


“Cass! In my office, now!”

Sam cringed and headed for the Captain’s office. She was new, not stupid. Every cop knew that tone of voice. It was the universal sign that the shit had hit the fan.

Entering the office, Sam had barely managed to shut the door before Captain Yu started his rant. “I have half a mind to ship you back to San Francisco, out of my hair before you can completely fuck up my life. Not even on the job a day and already you’re going off halfcocked, ignoring procedure. Every report I received on you has been the same… Samantha Cass doesn’t play well with others. Did I listen? Did I tell them to send you to Antarctica or something? No! I figured, what the hell? Her arrest rate is high, who cares if her attitude rubs others the wrong way? What could go wrong? Well… What did you think you were doing?”

“Sir?” Sam looked around the office, searching for some sign. Something that could point her in the right direction. How was this her fault? “I’m unclear on what we’re talking about, Sir.”

She wanted to take a step away from Captain Yu as his face closed down, his fists clenching. “The pile up on 501. Ring any bell?”

Sam felt her mouth drop open. He had to be kidding. “It was hardly a pileup, Sir. There were dozens of pumpkins growing up through the asphalt, and I did bring back samples.”

“You are a detective for this city, not a crime scene tech. I expect more out of my officers. Do I make myself clear?”

She wanted to defend herself but really… what could she say? She only brought back a sample because some guy from the lab had called. Five minutes later and she would have been back in her car and on her way to the office, empty handed.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yu took a deep breath. “Get in the bullpen. Your partner, Mastins, will bring you up to speed on case assignments. Now get out of my office.”

Sam didn’t need to be told twice. So far, her first day needed a redo.

Sam couldn’t see over the pile of case folders Joe Mastins continued to pile in her hands. When she thought her legs would buckle from the weight, he tossed one more to the pile and said, “And finally, this is our most pressing case. A group of kids went missing this morning. The entire precinct has been looking into the different angles, but we have the lead. Well, Karn and Billings are sharing the lead but that’s mostly because you decided to turn up late this morning.”

Twisting at the waist, she slammed her load down on her new desk, before picking up the aforementioned file. She ignored the jibe about her punctuality and began to read. “So, is this the Pier closest to the precinct?”

“That’s what the file says, don’t it?”

Gritting her teeth, Sam calmly finished reading the file, as she attempted not to punch her new partner in the throat.

Mastins moved for the exit. “Well, come on. Karn and Billings are already at the scene. We should have been there already.”

Quickening her pace, Sam felt her weapon to make sure the safety was still one and that the gun was still firmly snapped into its holster. Her day wouldn’t get any better if she accidently shot her partner. No matter how tempting.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Sam ignored Elizabeth Karn, and uptight woman that appeared to hate everyone but her partner. Instead, she continued focusing on the trail of leaves littering the ground. Looking at Mathew Billings, instead of Karn or her own partner, she asked, “Where did all the leaves come from?” She was squatting beside a trail of oak leaves littering the ground in all the varying shades of fall. Oranges, reds, browns, yellows… but oak leaves? “I haven’t seen that many trees around here, and shouldn’t oak trees be too far away to do this? I don’t see any trees for that matter.”

Billings looked around the area shrugging his shoulders. “The crime techs are looking into the trail of leaves. Captain said to let them handle it.”

Sam didn’t know what to say. A trail of oak leaves leading away from the crime scene seemed like a clue to her. A weird one, but a clue none the less. Shaking her head, she ignored everyone and stood to follow the trail of leaves. It wouldn’t hurt for her to give the techs a hand figuring this out. Who knew where the trail led.

Oct 4 prompt… Leaves


Okay… when I think of the word leaves while sitting in the middle of this October cold snap, I think of all the wonderful colors about to come my way here in Ky. I love falling leaves, the sound of walking through dried out plant life, and colors of changing life. Even in death there is beauty as the reds, yellows, browns, and inbetween come out to play. There is a feel and a smell to the air that makes me feel young and alive. This time of year rejuvenates my fantastical side, makes me smile, and strikes a match to my artistic loves…

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And since I love these colorful creations, I will place them were they can lead my characters further along their journey. Yep… sounds good to me… I think I will continue my short story from the 2nd with a trail of fall leaves that shouldn’t be falling in Myrtle Beach. muhahahahaha…. Yep… Lots of leaves… But there are a lot of things you can do with the word Leaves… You can focus on the way they fall, change color, blow through the wind like tiny tornados… Or you can think about the hassle of raking them into piles or maybe the joy of jumping into those piles when you’re young…. Or just walking down a carpet of leaves, enjoying the view or wondering what could be hiding beneath them for warmth…


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Or forget plant-life all together… think of the word as an actions… as in everything/everyone leaves eventually… except in the paranormal where forever can be a heck of a long time, things in life always change… you could focus on that aspect of the word, have someone leave so that they can eventually come home, or write a sad scene of something more permanent…
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Me? I think I will stick with a trail of leaves leading to something mystical…
Hope you enjoyed the post and the pinterest pics… have fun with this prompt and happy wordage, tracey