A Thank You to Anna Durand

Go to Anna Durand‘s site to see her interview about Shocking finds… and check out her Paranormal collection…

I am closing in on the NaNoWriMo goal line… woo who… i hope to have all the edits and beta reads finish by January, and then polish Book Two of the Finder’s Keepers series for you guys…

it may seem like this is happening way to fast…


*pinterest pic

but the truth is that i finished about six rough drafts before i managed to get Shocking Finds published… now i am focused on freshening up each story and getting the hand written material on the computer to be fluffed up into a proper rough draft… lol…

don’t forget to comment on my Fall into Romance Blog Hop Post in order to enter for a chance to win a copy of Shocking Finds… Nov 22 is the last day to comment…. good luck everyone and happy wordage… now it is back to the Writer’s Cave for me… Tracey

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