Drawing a Blank

This heat is killing me… add to that the sporadic downpours, which stirs up the humidity… My entire body feels heavy … I keep thinking that life would be perfect if only I had a large body of cool water near by that I could spend my day floating in… imagination people… because my permanently rooted home is only close to water that I would push my enemies into… I won’t be dipping my own toe in it, that’s for sure.


oh yeah… just put a little hut cut into the rock behind the waterfall and life would be perfect… wake up, eat breakfast and swim in the cool morning sun… ahhhh…. evil heat wouldn’t be able to get me then… hey, if I’m wrong and it’s still too hot, I could always find a way to grow gills… I could live underwater if worse came to worst…

for now, I guess I’ll just have to hide inside with the air-conditioned… also need to work on my next book… not something that my life in the water will be helpful with… lol… anyone know where I can get a waterproof laptop??? the best of both worlds… ahhhh… all it needs is a horse or two… and the perfect man??? maybe… this chick isn’t that great with allure… maybe just the laptop and horse… life in the water… yep…

anywho… the book I am working on now is a contemporary romance… a little different than my first two books, which were more urban fantasy with some romance thrown in for good measure…

okay… off to get my dogs and then work on my Skymann series… hot alpha males with a soft side… and strong family support…

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