Tag Archives: burger king

Day 5 Santa Book Box Contest

Okay… What is my addiction… I mean must have Writing Snack??? That would have to be Diet Coke… and it has to come from a fountain… no can or bottled coke for this country gal!!! And I would have to say that Burger King has the best Fountain Diet Coke 😛 I have to have a large diet coke when I write, when I eat, when I wake up, when I …. heck … I need that stuff just to live… lol… I call the guy at my closest gas station my Coke Dealer… they have some better good product when I don’t feel like driving to Burger King or Wendy’s…


I need one of these in my bedroom!!!!

Now… head HERE and enter to get the Gone Writing Publishing Newsletter, and you will automatically be entered to win the Santa Box filled with Books by all of us at GWP…

and if you decide to repost this entry, use the hashtags #15DaysofGWPAuthors #GWPGiveaway to help us spread the word… Happy Wordage, Tracey