
I am a country-twang gal from the bluegrass state. Kentucky is a hot bed of horses, cave systems, and whiskey. And I love all three. With my pugs and bossy kitty cat, I spend my days writing and working social media. I write with the help of the voices pushing me to create worlds for them to live in. Fantasy Romance, Contemporary Romance, and eventually some cowboys (because cowboys live in a group all there own, yummmm) are the genres that I love best.

In 2005, a serious case of Multiple Sclerosis ended my higher education as I strived to finish my mathematics degree, wiping away all my beautiful numbers and a large portion of artistic talents that I had taken for granted most of my life. After a few years, my beautiful words started to come back to me. Filling my days and nights with imagined worlds helped me to cope with my newfound reality. I am currently working with Mary (my publisher) at http://gonewritingpublishing.blogspot.com/ Each day I find that getting sick has helped me to find my passion.

Fun fact: My granny had enough Irish to embody the term ‘fiery’ and my papaw had enough Cherokee to suggest they move their family to a reservation … This did not turn out well for him, not when gran apposed the idea, butttt that is a story for another time. So palest of pale, and red all year round … what did I get from that genetic pool??? Ha. I turned out to be pale skinned, but I don’t burn in the sun the way granny would have. And no matter how much color I seem to gain during the day, I wake the next morning back at square one, whereas my papaw had wonderfully tanned skin even in the midst of the darkest winters. boo… lol… now at 34, I don’t even try. (not to mention that my MS detests being out in the sun)

What I did get from these wonderful people??? A love and a need to create. She could design a quilt, bake up wonders, paint and draw with ease, and surround the home in masterpiece gardens. Okay, my thumb is more black than green, but have enjoyed accomplishing all the rest. Though my favorite lies in oil paints. As for papaw, he loved to sing, filled notebook after notebook with his poetry, and had a tendency to create personalized rhymes for strangers and friends alike (sometimes against their will, while others asked for the right). My entire life, he called me his songbird. And would asked me (shy little me) to preform. Poetry is fun, and something that my mother taught me how to do early on, but I truly believe that a piece of my soul would die without my voice to sing the melodies in my heart. (just please let me do it at home and not in front of strangers :P)

.—- as of 9/27/2015 I have one book up for preorder Shocking Find’s (A Finder’s Keepers Novel) Oct 26. 2015… and working on book two of the series… happy wordage


OH… *disclaimer… this is not a place of edits… lol… I hate the dang things… I fix issues when I see them but mostly I post and run… I save edit time for my novels and short stories… happy wordage, Tracey Clark

80 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi there!
    I’m Maia, the owner of a wildly popular book blog and book tour site! I ran across your book and it caught my interest! I’d love to feature your book on my site and possibly review it!
    Book a beautiful, tailor made tour today! I custom design all graphics to match your books- making every tour unique and exciting! I have a small team of bloggers who will also share your tour on their sites so you get as many eyes as possible on your books.
    Feel free to e-mail me at silver_dagger_scriptorium@outlook.com if you have any questions!
    You can gaze at some of my custom previous tours here to get a feel for what they may look like:
    And when you’re ready, sign up here (there’s also more info on tours there too):

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree! There’s no time for editing on a blog, or social media for that matter! 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post! I just followed yours! And sorry I took so long to get over here, I’m way behind on my blogging duties!


  3. I’m not sure how you found my blog, but thanks for liking it–or at least my latest post on “Reconnecting, Reinventing, and Disconnecting.” Writing when you have a chronic illness is something I relate to, and sometimes it does fuel your passion. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Good luck with the books.


  4. Found you via the “like” you left on a review of mine at Puddletown Reviewes. I hail from TN, but my daddy was from the Bluegrass State of KY, up around Owensboro. I share your Southern Twang although I now live in the Pacific NW. You can’t rid yourself of that twang!

    Love your site, love that you’ve found your passion, but sorry for the way you found it. I also write and have a blog for that at http://sherreymeyer.com. Currently, writing memoir and hoping to publish soon so I can get on to writing fiction.

    So glad to meet you and connect, and if I can offer you a review on Puddletown, please let me know.


    1. hey neighbor… well previous neighbor… 😛 love the music state, even though Ky will always be my first love, I spent many a vacations down in Nashville visiting … always fun to go out on the lake and check out the fancy houses… anywho… I would love for you to do a review, if you’re interested in paranormal romance… I have actually been looking for a few … just hmmmm… trying to think of a way to get the story to ya without posting my email on the http://WWW... lol… oh, okay… just go to my FB https://www.facebook.com/trace.clar and PM me… let me know if you need pdf, epub, or mobi version…

      which state did you find yourself in… just wondering if you found an area that found the country twang cute or annoying… lol… seems to be the only two responses… if there isn’t a response at all, you’re usually chatting with a born/bred native… I live in Ashland, but when I candy striped as a kid, I did a stint in ohio… I swear… there was this one old man that made me repeat ‘would you like some ice’ about a million times, all while he cackled with laughter… of course, even I knew that it was coming out ‘would ya like some ass’ … hehehe… not so bad now, but my i’s still lean toward the a’s and there are a lot of e sounds in my fast speech… mainly I avoid talking about ice while out of state… no reason to give others the wrong idea…


    1. hey sally… thanks for letting me know… I am trying to fix the problem, but it is a case of try, try, and then try till you scream, break the computer, or the you finally understand.. I just half kidding… my mother thinks I’m a wiz, but really I just hit buttons and wait to see what happens… if you want to follow my twitter while we wait to see the results of my efforts, I’m at https://twitter.com/traceylclark11

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at gonewritingpublishing@gmail.com … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


  5. Hi Tracey, thanks for liking my post about the decision whether or not to self-publish again. Good luck with your writing. You are young enough to take the time to build a solid relationship with an agent and/or publisher.


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at gonewritingpublishing@gmail.com … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


  6. Thanks for liking my latest blogpost on Harry Potter! We’re both failures at writing query letters, so welcome to The Club.


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at gonewritingpublishing@gmail.com … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at gonewritingpublishing@gmail.com … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…


  7. Thanks for liking my post.. I would try checking out your posts this weekend because I just love horses and cowboys too! Wait a second, who doesnt love those? 😉


    1. hey… my publisher is planning a blog tour… if you are interested, or know anyone that would want to be one of the stops, just let me know… or contact Mary at gonewritingpublishing@gmail.com … with the subject ‘blog tour’ … I could also use some sage advice here… this will be my first, have no idea what will happen… lol … but I’m excited…

      Liked by 1 person

            1. lol… as far as I know, you just put the subject ‘blog tour’ and then email any questions you have… I am following her lead… this is my first tour and my tech knowledge is sadly lacking… 😛 but plan to do what is needed and have a blast… she is really nice and will answer all your q&a

              Liked by 1 person

    1. I love being country… your polish colors look great.. I especially like the purple one… fav color… 😛 … most of the time I forgo the polish, cause I either chip it too soon, or get oil paint all over my hands, hiding my nails and all my hard work.. lol…but when I do pull out the polish, I go for purple or something with a sparkle… enjoy your Revlon and happy wordage

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog! I like the honesty on this blog. It is a long, hard road to publication and you are doing great. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


  9. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post. I too am a Kentucky gal! On my way out the door right now, but will have to stop in later and check out your blog. Happy Writing.


  10. Hi country gal! Amazing that you found me, since I just started my blog two nights ago – it’s truly a baby! Coincidentally, I too have MS! But I’m extremely lucky, mine is now very stable and minimal. Still havin’ those MRIs though, Fun, right? Not! Anyway, here’s to enjoying each other’s posts now and later! Take care,

    in Canada (Montreal)


    1. so cool… Montreal is on my list of places to see… one thing that MS has given me, is the desire to see more of my world… I lost so much of myself when I first got sick… My MS came on fast with more lesions (aka: holes in my head) than the doctors could count… eight years later if felt lucky, angry, but mostly I had this need to see and do anything that my body would allow… I went from a math major in college to needed help with a bank book… then I found my words… I say found, because many of the loses I had mourned had slowly started coming back to me… making me a different person, but ultimately a happier person… (MRI’s aside, man those suck lol) I needed to learn that each MS patient fought a different battle, each day could be an up or a down moment, but that with MS tomorrow has a chance to turn things around. fingers crossed that we both stay stable, and our words continue to flow… happy wordage, tracey

      Liked by 1 person

    1. another DIY you could blog about, the emotion thesaurus… by angela ackerman… I love using that book in my edits… it helps me work on my showing vs telling… happy wordage, tracey

      Liked by 1 person

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4 out of 5 read-ologists recommend this WordPress.com site. ups and downs of writer's insanity and day to day life. I will write whatever makes the voices happy, for a writer that ignores her inner voices is merely a mental breakdown waiting to happen. Keeping the voices happy and creating new worlds for them to play in is my main goal.